- Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona
- Saint John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown
- Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel in Loretto
- Immaculate Conception in Dudley
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Altoona
- Our Lady of the Alleghenies in Lilly
- Our Lady Queen of Angels in Central City
- Our Lady of Victory in State College
- Queen of Archangels in Clarence
- Saint Joseph Mission Church in Carrolltown
- Saint Mary in Shade Gap
- Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bean’s Cove
- Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Johnstown
This upcoming Jubilee Year is a special time of grace for all Catholics during which we will highlight the hope that we share in Christ and share with each other. Bishop Mark has designated 13 parishes as “Holy Sites” for the Jubilee Year:
The faithful are invited to visit any or all of those 13 sites as a pilgrimage experience during the Jubilee.
2025 Jubilee Prayer Pilgrims of Hope
Father in heaven, may the faith you have given
us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled in
our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope for
the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us into tireless
cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the
treasure of heaven. May that same grace
spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.
To you or God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Catholic Charities will be using this Jubilee year 2025 and the influence of Pope Francis to provide training opportunities to understand what poverty looks like in each parish community. January is the month of National Poverty Awareness. Please consider joining a virtual overview of Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities to have a better understanding of a comprehensive approach to the dynamics that cause and maintain poverty, from the individual to the systemic level. There are two options virtually: Friday, January 10, 2025 from 10 am to noon or Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 6 pm to 8 pm. To register please RSVP to: coconnor@dioceseaj.org
Sessions on Respect for Life for both parents and student of St. Joseph and St. Matthew parishes, on Sunday, January 12th from 6-7:30 pm in the St. Joseph Parish hall. Come and learn what the Church holds as truth and know we are all created by God to Become the image and likeness of God.
A retreat for parents and second grade students of St. Joseph and St. Matthew parishes will be held on Sunday, January 26th from 11:30 to 1 pm at St. Matthew Harkins hall. This retreat is to prepare our 2nd grade students for First Reconciliation.
A Healing Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, January 21st at 7 pm at St. Michael Church in Hollidaysburg sponsored by Holy Spirit Ministry. Praise and Worship music start at 6:30 pm. This powerful night of hope and healing is for all who are suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Father David Dodd, TOR will be the main celebrant.
SAVE THE DATE: Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 16-20, 2025 from 6-8 pm
Please sign up to help with monthly Refreshment weekend in the gathering space.
For those that cannot attend Mass -A prayer for the Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.Amen.
Where to look in the BIBLE when you …
– need rest and peace – Matthew 11: 28-30
– worry – Matthew 6: 19-34
– are lonely or fearful – Psalm 23
– need peace of mind – John 14: 27, Philippians 4: 6-8
– are disappointed by people – Psalm 27
– grow bitter or critical – 1 Corinthians 13
– have sinned – Psalm 51, 1 John 1
– are discouraged – Psalm 34
– feel God seems far away – Psalm 139
– think the world seems bigger than God – Psalm 90
– are sick – Psalm 41
– feel sorrowful – John 14, Psalm 46
– are in danger – Psalm 91
– want courage – Joshua 1: 1-9
– need assurance – Romans 8
– forget your blessings – Psalm 103
– are looking for joy – Colossians 3
– leave home to travel – Psalm 121
– think of investments – Mark 10: 17-31
– need guidelines for living – Matthew 5-7, Romans 12
– need rules of conduct – Exodus 20: 1-17
– need to know God’s will for your life – Proverbs 3: 1-6
From the opening prayer to the closing prayer, the Mass is a memorial and sacrifice; one continual offering to our good and gracious God, by making present the redeeming passion and death of his Son Jesus Christ for the salvation of all humankind through his crucifixion. We celebrate Mass to offer our praise and thanksgiving for our redemption. At mass we pray and worship God together in a faith filled community, we hear God’s voice in the Scripture Readings, let the message of salvation enter us and we receive Jesus truly present among us in the Holy Eucharist.
You may ask a priest to offer a Mass for several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as on a birthday, wedding anniversary), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died. Let us never forget the infinite value and graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass. Please contact the church office if you would like to have a Mass celebrated.
We are updating the prayer list for our ill and homebound. Beginning on December 1, 2024 all names will be removed. We ask that you contact the office with the names of those who need our prayers and we will put them on our prayer list. Names of those who have requested our prayers will remain on the list for six months. Throughout the six months, we will always add requests. After six months, names will be removed and we ask those who want to be added or remain on the list to please call the office.
All Saint Parish in Bowell (Somerset County) will host their annual signing of Polish Christmas Carols (known as Koledy or Pastoralki) on Sunday ,January 5th, at 2 pm at the church (325 Quemahoning Street, Boswell). The hymns will be sung by their Polish choir. Following the singing of hymns by the parish’s Polish choir, there will be benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and refreshments. Koledy help to capture some of the finest sentiments, values, and emotions of the Polish religious, national, and artistic heritage. Polish Christmas customs are very rich; whether you are Polish or not, please come and experience the time-honored hymns celebrating the birth of Christ. For more information leas call the parish office at 814-629-5551.
Proclaim: Please check out the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown’s Proclaim Sunday Drive series in which Father Michael and our parish are featured.
- Fr. John Slovikovski Pastor of Visitation parish in Johnstown, as part of the celebration of the Jubilee 2025, is promoting and coordinating a pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, and Orvieto, Italy, which is open to the entire diocese in the month of June 2025. This pilgrimage will include visitations to the 4 Major Basilicas of Rome (The Vatican {with an audience with the Pope}, Saint Mary Major, Saint John Lateran, and Saint Paul outside the Walls.) We will also visit the Spanish Steps, the Catacombs, Trevi Fountain, and the Coliseum as well as the basilicas of St. Francis and Saint Clare in Assisi. All of our tour will be guided by a native who is fluent in Italian. If you are considering joining our group, you are asked to contact the Visitation Parish office @814-536-6110. There is no obligation (financial or otherwise) before we make our commitment with the pilgrimage tour company in early 2024 when we will meet with our Pilgrimage tour company. 2025 is an exceptional time to be in Rome since it will be during a Jubilee Year which is a very special time for a Jubilee occurs only once every 25 years.
PCGG (Prison Christian Growth Group) is seeking volunteers interested in ministering to inmates at Benner and Rockview prisons. Twice a month, PCGG members visit Rockview and one a month, Benner. A fulfilling and inspiring ministry, members are answering Jesus’s call to visit the prisoners. Anyone interested in more information may contact Teresa Jeffries at 814-381-1317 or jeffriesteresa2@gmail.com
- Father Jozef Kovacik and Deacon Jack Orlandi invite you to join them on the Journeys of St. Paul in Greece Pilgrimage May 12-19, 2025 as we visit Amphipolis, Philippi Neapoli, Thessalonica Veria, Meteora, Delphi, Corinth, and Athens. If you are interested, please sign up on the Good Shepherd website for further information. https://www.goodshepherd-sc.org/ or contact Deacon Jack at jorlandi@dioceseaj.org
GARVEY MANOR CONFRATERNITY OF THE BROWN SCAPULAR This faith-filled group meets on the first Saturday of each month in the Chapel at Garvey Manor. We begin the rosary at 9:30 a.m. attend the 10 a.m. Mass, followed by spiritual reflection led by Sister Jacinta under the loving protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Hall. Membership is open to any Catholic who would find it spiritually beneficial to be united with others in pursuit of holiness. If interested call Sister Jacinta (814) 695-5571.
- Monica’s Tears: Saint Rose of Lima Parish, Altoona, hosts an hour of adoration with the recitation of the rosary every Thursday night from 6 pm to 7 pm to pray for our loved ones who have left the practice of the Catholic faith. Everyone is welcome, please join us
Adoration Chapel at Saint Mary’s, 712 Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, PA is open every Monday through Thursday from 7 am to 11 pm and Friday 7 am to 5 pm for Adoration. Tabernacled Jesus available outside these hours and on holidays and First Friday. First Fridays join us in St. Mary Church next door for Adoration 8;15 am until 6 pm. Come spend time with Jesus!
Catholic Ministries Drive (CMD) Our parish goal for 2025 is $TBD.
The annual CMD directly supports 14 ministries through which people are accompanied in their journey (100% of your gift does directly to these ministries). There are many gifted and generous laypersons in our diocese who share their time and talent to support our Catholic ministries.
This year, more so than others, our world, our nation, our communities, our parishes, and our families need tangible expression of hope.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will occur every Friday after Mass from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. This is great opportunity for spiritual nourishment. Come and spend an hour with Jesus! NOTE: During Holy week Eucharistic Adoration will take place after Holy Thursday Mass until midnight.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown is establishing a prayer ministry and we are seeking prayer partners. Every Friday we pray for those who ask for special intentions, for the marginalized, the vulnerable and all clients seeking assistance from Catholic Charities.
Prayer is one of the gifts we can give to each other at no extra cost. To request prayers, please visit our website: www.catholiccharitiesaj.org.
For more information on how to participate and spend time in prayer for those in need, please contact Lisa Fellabaum, Outreach Liaison at 814-505-1106 or by email at lfellabaum@dioceseaj.org
Looking for a rewarding career in a faith-filled environment? Locations throughout the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese have current openings in a variety of fields. For a complete listing go to https://www.dioceseaj.org/employment
Parishioners are encouraged to recite the rosary daily, gather together in the church on Wednesdays after the daily Mass at 8 am and come before the daily and weekend Masses for the recitation of the Rosary. This is a special way of praying for individual and special intentions in a group to provide you comfort and support.
- Scholarship- Any student from the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown who is attending or will attend Franciscan University of Steubenville is eligible to apply for the John Paul II Scholarship. For more information about the St. Pope John Paul II Scholarship at www.franciscan.edu, call 800-783-6220, or email admissions@franciscan.edu
Apply at Saint Joseph Academy The Saint Joseph’s high school community and educational experience is strong, balanced, and most importantly, firmly founded in Jesus Christ. Applications are now being accepted at all grade levels. To learn more or begin the online application process go to www.stjoeacad.org. You may also contact Ms. Maryann Lingenfelter, Director of Admissions, at mlingenfelter@sjcacademy.org or 814-808-6118 to arrange a tour or discuss any questions you may have. We are looking forward to having you as part of the Saint Joseph’s community!
If you are in need of counseling, Catholic Counselors of America LLC is open by appointment at St. Aloysius Faith Education and Community Center. By calling Leorosie Trexler at 814-505-7178.
May God Our Father, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, bless you and your family, and may Our Blessed Mother Mary cover you in her mantle of protection!
- The Family Life Office of the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese has a ministry, Heaven’s Treasure. The ministry attempts to reach out to families who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage or early fetal death by providing them with spiritual tools to help them to grieve their child through the care of the Catholic Church. Please call the office at 814-695-5579 or email familylife@dioceseaj.org for more information.
MASS INTENTION SCHEDULING: Mass intentions will now be accepted. Mass intention or requests will be limited to 3 masses for each family per year (only one Mass can be for the weekend or Holy Day). We schedule as we receive mass intentions and will do our best to honor your requests. Please keep in mind to be kind and considerate of others and this will allow as many as possible in our parish family to be able to request a celebration of Mass. Remember that the value of a Mass is infinite no matter when it is celebrated.
- Please note that the annual collection of religious articles takes place once a year in February. You are asked to please keep items to exchange/donate until that time. The gathering space is not a drop off for old or not used items throughout the year. If an item is not blessed you may discard of it on your own.
- Try Catholic Radio – WJVM 90.3 FM the Voice of Divine Mercy
- PROJECT RACHEL: Would you like to find peace in your heart with your aborted child, with God, with the Church? Don’t be afraid, the door is open. For women, men, anyone wounded by abortion. Contact Project Rachel 814-884-8000. ProjectRachel@dioceseaj.org. All calls are confidential.
- Please remember our local Tyrone Food Bank. Canned soups, peanut butter, cereal, jelly, and personal care items are always needed. The Food Bank requests that dates on all donations be current. Expired items cannot be accepted.
Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
Bishop Mark is requesting that the faithful throughout the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown to join him in praying for peace in Ukraine as Russian forces invade the Eastern European country.
The Bishop stands united in prayer with Ukrainian Catholics in that troubled part of the world and with the local Ukrainian Catholic population here in Central Pennsylvania. During this difficult time, he is inviting everyone to join him in praying the following ancient prayer.
We fly to Your patronage, O Virgin Mother of God. Despise not our prayers in our needs, but deliver us from all dangers, since you alone are pure and blessed. O most glorious Ever Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ our God, accept our prayers and present them to Your Son and our God, that for the sake of You, He enlighten and save our souls.
“This prayer is a unique part of the spiritual heritage of the Catholic and Orthodox Christians of the Ukraine, dating back to the 10th or 11th century. It is quite similar to the Memorare prayer that most of us learned as children. As we watch the unfolding developments from Ukraine, it is often difficult to process our thoughts and feelings. That’s where a prayer like this can bring calm to our disturbed minds and hearts, and especially to our world.”
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – Journey Through loss is a nine-week program for those who have lost a loved one through death recently or in the past. The program provides the opportunity to share or to listen and offers positive ideas for coping. The next session begins on Tuesday, January 21. We will meet weekly from 1:30 to 3:00 pm in the convent building next to St. Michael’s Church in Hollidaysburg. All faiths are welcome. For more information or to register contact Mary Petrak at 814-502-6076.
All Saints Parish in Bowell (Somerset County) will host their annual signing of Polish Christmas Carols (known as Koledy or Pastoralki) on Sunday ,January 5th, at 2 pm at the church (325 Quemahoning Street, Boswell). The hymns will be sung by their Polish choir. Following the singing of hymns by the parish’s Polish choir, there will be benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and refreshments. Koledy help to capture some of the finest sentiments, values, and emotions of the Polish religious, national, and artistic heritage. Polish Christmas customs are very rich; whether you are Polish or not, please come and experience the time-honored hymns celebrating the birth of Christ. For more information leas call the parish office at 814-629-5551.
Ethnic Bus Tour – Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish in Central City will host a bus pilgrimage on Saturday January 11th to visit the Nationality Rooms at the Cathedral of Learning of the University of Pittsburgh and two historic ethnic churches. The Nationality Rooms, uniquely adorned with accurate architecture and furnishings from thirty-one different nationalities, are a true treasure of Western Pennsylvania. Following the tour, Mass will be celebrated at the “Polish Cathedral of Pittsburgh,” Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and there will be a tour of historic St. John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church. Bus pick up locations at Central City, Boswell, and Latrobe. The cost is per person is $70 and includes dinner. To register please call the parish (814) 754-5224.
The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown will launch the local observance of the Jubilee Year 2025 with a special Mass on Sunday, December 29 at 2:00 pm at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona, with Bishop Mark as celebrant and priests of the diocese as concelebrants. All Catholics are warmly invited to attend.
This upcoming Jubilee Year is a special time of grace for all Catholics during which we will highlight the hope that we share in Christ and share with each other. Bishop Mark has designated 13 parishes as “Holy Sites” for the Jubilee Year:
- Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona
- Saint John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown
- Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel in Loretto
- Immaculate Conception in Dudley
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Altoona
- Our Lady of the Alleghenies in Lilly
- Our Lady Queen of Angels in Central City
- Our Lady of Victory in State College
- Queen of Archangels in Clarence
- Saint Joseph Mission Church in Carrolltown
- Saint Mary in Shade Gap
- Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bean’s Cove
- Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Johnstown
The faithful are invited to visit any or all of those 13 sites as a pilgrimage experience during the Jubilee.
Recent Posts
Registraton Forms – Parish and Religious Education Forms
Publications and Links
- On Line Giving
- Prayer of Spiritual Communition
- VIRTUS - Law Enforcement and Child Abuse Allegations Article
- Instructions for Downloading Yearly Contribution Statement
- Sign-up link for Flock Note Text Messages
- Marriage and Family Resources of the Diocese of Altoona/Johnstown
- Pope Francis 2024 Monthly Intentions
Weekly Bulletin