Dear friends,
I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for showing interest in our parish family and for taking the time to log on to our website to read these messages. I hope that you will find our website in some way helpful and inspiring. Saint Matthew Parish is a Catholic faith community located in the city of Tyrone in central Pennsylvania on the Little Juniata River. Our parish is part of the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese and was founded in 1853. Presently, we have about 380 families.
Each of us is called to make various decisions and accomplish a variety of tasks in our lives; perhaps God is calling you to Saint Matthew Parish, an active family of Christians with a mission that is none other than that of Jesus Christ. I am certain that we have God working in our midst.
The Holy Spirit continues to inspire us to do many good things and offer various ministries that have been helping our parishioners and the broader community for a long time. Most importantly, we have a vision of growing and living as more authentic witnesses of Jesus’ presence among us.
In conclusion, I would like to wish you the strength and perseverance to become who God created you to be. May our journey of life be filled with many experiences of God’s generous love and compassion.
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Michael Pleva, Pastor