Our address:
1105 Cameron Avenue
Tyrone, PA 16686
Pastor: Reverend Father Michael Pleva
Phone: (814) 684-1480 (Parish Office & Rectory)
Fax: (814) 684-7969
Email: stmatthewtyrone@gmail.com
Office Hours: Monday 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Wednesday, Friday 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Parish Office Staff:
Financial & Administrative Assistant: Debbie Zakrzwski
Ministry to the Homebound: Paula Lambert
Call: (814) 932-0651
Director of Music: Leslie Estep
Call: (814) 684-4899 or email: lime458@verizon.net
Director of Religious Education: Lauren Wright
Call: (814) 312-0969 or email: lwright@dioceseaj.org
CCD Classes (Grades K-11): Sunday Mornings 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM (September through May)
RCIA: Susan Burkholder (814) 684-0352
Pastoral Council: Jason Terosky (814) 883-0077
Finance Council: Dennis Rozick (814) 684-5511
School Council: Paul Fleissner (724) 630-1538
Cemetery Committee – Michael Feller (814) 684-4401
Saint Matthew Catholic School
Principal: Mrs. Pauline Wiley
Phone: (814) 684-3510
Email: pwiley@stmatthew-school.org
School Website: www.stmatthew-school.org