See what is happening at our Saint Matthew School by visiting our website at:
- Saint Matthew School “Angels”. For years, Saint Matthew parishioners have sponsored school children or made donations to help parents in the sacrifice of sending their child to a Catholic School. Please consider assisting school families for the upcoming year.
- Saint Matthew School Scrip Purchases – Orders can be placed by contacting Alison Narehood by phone 814-684-4121 “or” email “or” purchase after any of the weekend Masses.
- Did you know 100% of your PA tax money can be sent to our local catholic school? The only way to can have the PA taxes you already pay benefit our Saint Matthew School is to enroll in EITC. Look for brochures by the exit doors or contact RedefinED, a local company hired by the Diocese to manage enrollments, at 814-419-5505 or
Saint Matthew Catholic School Teachers
The Teachers and Staff:
Ms. Pauline Wiley – Principal
Vickie Henry – School Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Beth Kasic – Preschool and After Care Aide
Ms. Michelle Thorton – Kindergarten
Mrs. Jennifer Casanave – First Grade
Mrs. Margorie Frank – Second and Third Grade
Mrs. Deborah Hewitt – PreSchool
Ms. Lily Smith- Fourth and Fifth and Sixth Grade
Mary Jane Rudakzwich – Librarian